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Computer - Top 7 Marketing Automation Companies for 2021

Published on July 16, 2021
Published by Martech Cube
Viewed by 2 people
9000.00 $

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Top 7 Marketing Automation Companies for 2021

The rise of marketing automation is inevitable. As more and more businesses are shifting online, marketers are looking for efficient and effective ways for marketing campaigns. Manual processes have to be eliminated and repetitive tasks must be addressed so that marketers can look into more important marketing tasks – Growing the business. 91% of Top Marketing Automation Companies say that it is the most important tool for the overall success of your business.

But what does marketing automation mean? Who needs it? Why do we need it? How is it helpful to businesses? These are some of your queries that are now running in your mind. Right? But before we go to how and why let’s know what marketing automation is.

What is Marketing Automation?

Marketing Automation means using all the software and tools to automate marketing activities. Marketing departments automate some repetitive tasks such as email marketing, ad campaign, and social media posting not just to increase efficiency but also to provide personalized customer experience to clients. Marketing Automation makes complicated tasks easier and gets them done in no time, leaving some spare time to perform and plan better strategies.

Who needs Marketing Automation?

According to Forbes, Small businesses spend 23% of their time manually just by inputting data and 80% of satisfied customers never come back. In discussing who needs marketing automation it is important to know what marketing automation in terms of SME means. Every small business dreams of a magic button that seamlessly collects customer information data for easy distribution and automatically delivers highly efficient and effective marketing campaigns.

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